Author Topic: Just want to share a few small things that happened on 2 of my visits.  (Read 1339 times)

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Offline MarkMc1990

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I'm not saying these are or aren't paranormal or anything, and they're nothing major, but they were definitely weird and offered no explanation at the time.

The first thing was in April 2008. Me and a group of friends were at BG watching the pond, and all of the sudden this series of HUGE exaggerated-oval shaped ripples appeared. It literally stretched across at least half the width of the pond (east-west), I kid you not. I don't know what caused the giant ripple, it could have been a fish or something (but do any fish live in the pond in those conditions?). I can assure you that nothing was thrown in either. I realize its probably nothing, but just the shear size and shape of the ripples were definitely odd. It lasted in the water for a pretty long time too, a good 10 seconds at least.

My friend managed to capture a picture of the ripple only as it was dissipating. Keep in mind it was much wider and more apparent at one point.

The second thing was a few months later in June of last year. Me and one of my friends were going to attempt a night visit, and we made it into the path alright. Well in my estimation, we were about three quarters of the way down the path from the entrance to the gates when we heard this really strange, low-pitched metallic creaking sound. The closest thing I could describe it as would be a door creaking open, though my friend thought it sounded more like a cougar or some other wildlife. But I don't know, it certainly didn't sound like any sort of animal to me. It was like a sound effect right out of an old haunted house movie. Regardless of what it actually was, it was enough to scare us into turning around and running back down the path to her car!

Offline Jeepgirlgina

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i would never ever ever in a million years go there in the dark.  Not down that dark path with all the creepy things we have captured there.  You got farther than I would of. 

Offline Aten

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Mark, it could of been the wind that did that. I fish a lot and i`ve seen the water do that many times when I was fishing. All it takes is just a little breeze to do that and you get those ripples. I`m not 100% sure if this is the case here but thought I would pass this on. ;)

Offline MarkMc1990

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Oh, good point!

Offline Aten

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Thanks Mark, like I said i`ve seen it happen while I was fishing but at BG who knows.