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Author Topic: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?  (Read 2050 times)

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Offline Suuperduper14

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Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« on: Dec 01 2009 - 08:54PM »

Hey everyone names Jessica, I'm very new to this website, and so far I love reading everyones stories. I don't have a cool photo or anything, but I know paranormal activity is around me.. and I'm really starting to get intrested in it because the events are occurring more and more now. I don't know to be scared or acknowledge it. About a year ago my sister died in a car accident  :^( She was 23 and my best friend and I wish I could just talk to her again. I'm now 20 and I've had strange things happen around me ever since I was little. Ever since my sister Jenny died things have gotten stranger... and I'm now taking notice in it, and I don't know what to think. it started with the dreams of my sister... very strange dreams, but there have been times I run to my room and curl up in my covers...   ter  

first encounter was about a week after her death. we had her clothes in suit cases in the garage and I wanted to look at them prob wear some( sister thing) and I turned on the light and started to walk towards the clothes the the lights just shut off... it was pitch black, so I walked towards the other side of the garage and turned on that light.. then again headed towards the clothes.. the lights started to flash all crazy then stopped and brightened up like they were getting really hot.. so I said "f*!k this" and ran out. Light stuff happens all around me.. I always notice it ALWAYs, theres this light in my room that blew out one day, b/c everytime I would get upset in my room my lights would go nuts and brighten up again and again.. till eventually the outlet blew out.

I've always had sleep walking issues, so it's common for me to wake up in the middle of the night and walk around.. well a couple months ago I was sitting up in my bed, thinking I was sleeping( it's complicated.. ) and I saw this strange looking black coated figure standing at the end of my bed.. just standing their starring at me with these glowing eyes... like how my cats eyes look in the dark very bright.. this figure didn't look like anything distinguishable. but I had the strangest feeling come over me like it was my sister or my dad? my dads not dead but it was that kind of feeling. id its hard to explain but it scared me so I hid underneath the covers.

OK SO another indent occurred while I was showering, I heard these knocks on my bathroom door, very loud, and it wouldn't stop. so me thinking its my brother or something.. I scream WHATT! damnit! so I turn off the shower, put on a towel and walked out.. I thought no one was home... so I looked around anyways.. I called my brother asking what he wanted... and he was still in class... this could of been anything.. even my dogs tail..lol but it sounded like someone was actually knocking..

anyways recently something new has been happening... now that I know I'm crazy, I'm now hearing a voice calling my name and saying hello from my downstairs. this has happened twice so far.. the first time I walked downstairs with 911 dialed on my phone thinking it was a stranger in my house or something.. but once again nothing.. the second time I ran into my room crying.. and thinking I'm crazy

I really am intrested in what I'm experiencing.. I miss my sister so much, and I understand I prob cant actually see her again.. but what does this all  mean?! am I crazy? what do u think?

Offline jfloydian

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #1 on: Dec 01 2009 - 09:35PM »
Welcme to this awesome forum! I do not think you are crazy at all. Sounds convincing. Could have been your dog...could be electrical issues; however, the figure you saw sure sounds familular to something my mother has seen in the past. I believe it could be paranormal! Don't ever think you are going crazy and thanks A LOT for sharing your story!  ;)
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Offline jphunter26

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #2 on: Dec 01 2009 - 09:45PM »
Hi Jessica, It is nice to meet you!  Welcome Sign.....to our website.
Thank you for posting your story. Those incidents possibly sounds like your sister is still with you and wants you to know that.
Talk to her and if something scares you ask her nicely to stop and see what happens.

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Offline Debbie166

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #3 on: Dec 10 2009 - 01:32AM »
I agree with JP.  You are not crazy.  Let your sister know that you know she is there.  In my opinion, I feel that is usually just what they are looking for is that acknowledgement of their presence.  Tell her that you miss her.  And, as JP said, let her know that whatever is being done scares you.  She may not realize how strong something is coming across to you.  Being that it could be your sister and the two of you were close she might just think of it as an innocent prank.  If things progress and/or become stronger or poltergeist in nature, I'm sure somebody here could help or recommend people that could help.  Remember, that a good paranormal investigation should not cost you anything.

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #4 on: Dec 10 2009 - 08:15PM »
Hello Jessica....very nice to meet you and welcome. I love your story and me and a lot of us can relate to you and the situation with your sister. I lost my mother 2 years ago and I want to talk to her again so bad! Just to know that she is listening to me telling her how much I miss her would make me feel so much better. And even tho she and I had different tastes and I never wore her clothes when she was alive but now I wear them all the time just because.  Anything to feel closer to her. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I want to comment more but I have to run so I will talk to you later.  Good to have you here.   :victory:
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Offline Suuperduper14

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #5 on: Jan 12 2010 - 09:55PM »
Hey guys thanks a lot for reading my story and thanks for your support. This stuff really freaks me out somtimes though... recently somthing new happened.. I was home alone (of course) sitting up in my room watching TV and I heard my front door slam.. I know the noise.. so thinking it was my parents getting back being pissed or somthing I went out to look.. no one was home.. my dog walked away from the front door with her tail between her legs.. I heard it slam so I looked outside.. called my parents name, once again no one was home. I just cried b/c now i'm just scared. =(

Offline jfloydian

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #6 on: Jan 12 2010 - 10:08PM »
Don't be afraid...it is just a way to communicate if it IS a spirit. It doesn't want to harm you...don't feel unsafe in your own home. You are safe.

You are always welcome here to relax and know you are not to be afraid and will not be judged. :^:
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Offline Jeepgirlgina

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #7 on: Jan 12 2010 - 10:10PM »
Welcome Jessica.
I don't think anyone on this site would call you crazy.  We are a real nice group here and all are very anxious to hear others experiences.  I have to admot the story about the lights in the garage made me smile.  Coming from a family of three girls...one of my biggest things was I NEVER EVER wanted to share my clothes.  Maybe your sister was feeling the same way the the lights flickering was her way of saying leave my clothes alone.  

Thank you so much for sharing you story and once again welcome to the forum.   :welcome:

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Re: Scary ghost.. or dead sis?
« Reply #8 on: Mar 17 2010 - 06:58PM »
if it was my dead sis i would communicate with her shes my family iv known my sis her whole life so i wouldn't care   :25:   shes an angel