Author Topic: My first post here!  (Read 1401 times)

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Offline smachart

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My first post here!
« on: Oct 12 2010 - 12:42PM »
Hey guys! First i would like to introduce myself, my name is Scott and I've been interested in this type of this for a long time.

Long story short, I had a ton of GREAT pictures from Bachelors Grove.  Keyword...had.  Back when we used to visit all the time, a friend of mine at the time held onto all of our albums.  We have since gotten older(14-17 then, 26-28 now) and we lost touch, meaning i lost all my pictures as well.

We had great ones, the most memorable would be the one of a woman holding a baby.  She was basically right in front of the camera once we got the picture developed.  Another really odd one was one we took of my friend standing in front of the Fulton tombstone and when the picture was developed there was a large blue figure standing next to him that seemed to have an evil presence to it.  It didnt have a face or any defining features about it, but it looked evil.  My girlfriend and I will be going there this Friday(ive finally convinced her to go with me) and we plan on taking a ton of pictures.  We are also going to bring a voice recorder and possibly a video camera.  I will post with anything we may get out of this adventure! 

Offline smachart

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Re: My first post here!
« Reply #1 on: Oct 12 2010 - 01:10PM »
My 1 real experience that i had there was amazing as well.  I forget what month it was, but i remember it being cold and snow was on the ground.  It was a group of probably 10 of us and as we walked down the path, about half way down, we all stopped and looked up.  We saw what appeared to be a form of a person sprint across that large tree branch that used to hang over the entire path.  The odd thing was, it did not make a sound.  We all saw it dash across the tree branch and disappear on the other side.  The figure appeared to be a full grown mans shadow(thats what it looked like)  If i had to estimate, i would say it looked to be about 5'9 and probably around 150 pounds if you were to describe a person who looked the same.  This thing ran across the branch and did not make a sound!  When my friend and I turned around, everyone had left.  I mean we had 1 guy with us that was close to 300 pounds and he was out of sight in less than 30 seconds.  Thats how scared everyone was.  The oddest part was, me and my friend werent bothered by this at all.  We were somewhat drawn into the cemetery after that.  We didnt talk, we just walked in, went around(we didnt take any pictures that time) and we walked back to the car.  It wasnt until months later that we talked about it and both found it odd that it seemed like "something" lead us into the cemetery and both of us were just so focused on going in there that we didnt say a word to eachother.  Very strange!  Im hoping that when we go on friday we see something or someone.  I want my girlfriend to experience this place, it is very interesting.

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Re: My first post here!
« Reply #2 on: Oct 17 2010 - 09:10AM »
wow what an experiance!!~~~~~~~~the place is very active