BACHELOR'S GROVE CEMETERY > Bachelor's Grove trip pictures & discussions

Other old cemeteries in the Tinley/Orland area?

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I'm trying to remember any by the mall off 94Th, off hand I can't think of of one.....Where was it, right by the mall or South more towards Orland Hills (Or West Haven, if you where born in Orland like me)

Here's one that wasn't on your list, it's a old one I used to play in as a kid..... It's at 153rd & West Av.   Or as when I was a kid, it was West Av at dead mans curve.  The intersection of West Av & 153rd wasn't there and West Av just made a very sharp curve to the west which was called dead mans curve.

As a kid at about 12 - 13 I used to go there with a Friend and we used to ghost hunt.  One time we had steam or mist come out of the vent on the tiny (Only) mausoleum there.... I still remember to this day it scared the crap out of us. 

We where standing there chanting something I had made up:

Evil spirits far and near
Get your ass's over here

In retro, I guess I shouldn't have said "Evil Spirits"   ..... but then again, what can I say!  :)

--- Quote from: MarkMc1990 on Dec 30 2011 - 03:43AM   ---
By the way, I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting one that I pass by quite often, and it's driving me nuts. I feel like there is one on the way to Orland Square Mall (perhaps on 94Th? cho ).

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I don't think it was on 94th after all. I honestly have no idea, I'm probably thinking of one I already listed, but if I ever happen to pass by this supposed cemetery again I'll be sure to report on the location. If it does exist, maybe it wasn't even en route to the mall at all, but somewhere else. And I know of the one you mentioned, it's right across the street from my dentist. But that is not the one I was thinking of either.

I lived in Orland Hills when I was born (I wasn't physically born in OH though, that honor goes to Palos Heights). We moved to Tinley Park 6 months later, but my family lived in OH for years before I was born and my mom mentioned not long ago that it used to be called West Haven. I thought that was interesting. She also told me a story about a house a couple blocks away from our old house in OH that was haunted and had to be demolished because flames would shoot out of the electrical sockets. I'm sure you're familiar with that one.

Yeah, I've heard of a house that did that.... But this one was in Orland, it caught on fire so many times they thought it was insurance fraud.... they finally  condemned the home and as it sat with no power flames came out of the outlets again, but this time they just let it burn to the ground.

--- Quote from: MarkMc1990 on Dec 31 2011 - 04:09AM   ---. She also told me a story about a house a couple blocks away from our old house in OH that was haunted and had to be demolished because flames would shoot out of the electrical sockets. I'm sure you're familiar with that one.

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