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EVP Stories from the AA-EVP
« on: Jan 24 2008 - 08:11PM »
Stories told by people who have recorded the voice of their loved one using Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). The Big Circle is a name given by Martha Copeland's daughter, Cathy, for people in the physical and in the etheric who help one another in life. This is an American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena (AA-EVP) project. See

Recording Procedure—General

Always tape when your energy level is highest!

[float=right] [/float]

Scheduling—Entities will speak on tape at any time of day or night. In the beginning, however, it is advisable to record at a regular time and place. By doing this, the entities learn when you will be recording. After making a connection with the entities, you will be able to collect EVP at any time and in any location. Try to find a place that will be quiet and free of interruptions. Background sounds are okay, but it is important that you are aware of these so that you will recognize what sounds are natural and what sounds are EVP. Keep your recordings short. You will want to listen to each part of the recording very carefully and this can take time.

Background Sound Source—We have found that the entities use sounds in the environment to help form EVP messages. Most recording situations have some background sounds, but you may wish to add sound to your recording environment. A fan, a radio tuned off-station or running water will work. Some people use foreign language radio or audio tapes. The entity will sometimes remodulate your voice or other sounds in the environment. The lower quality IC recorders have a relatively noisy sound circuit and do not generally require added noise. As a rule of thumb, the higher the quality recorder, the more added sound is needed.

Recording—Vocalize your comments during an EVP session. Many experimenters begin with a short prayer and an invitation to friends on the other side to participate in the experiment. It can be helpful to begin an experiment by speaking your name and the date. We have found that the entities will often come through as soon as the recorder is turned on. These beginning messages are often the loudest, so it is a good idea to turn on the recorder and wait a few seconds before announcing yourself and then ask questions. Your questions should be recorded, and you should leave a period of time between each comment for the entities to respond.

Some experimenters make an “appointment” with the intended entity the day before during prayer or meditation. Some also provide feedback before the session so that the entities will know how the last experiment went. It is not necessary to record in the dark. You will find that experimenters try all sorts of devices and energy sources to help the entities communicate. You may also want to put written questions in the EVP experiment area the day before. We are told the entities can read these and may respond accordingly.
[float=right] [/float]

Playback—The paranormal voice is usually not heard until playback of the tape. Experimenters report that the voices tend to become stronger and clearer as the entities gain in experience, but at first the voices may speak in whispers. Voices may not be recorded in every session and it may take several sessions for you to discover the first voice. Hearing the voices is a learned ability. The entities seem to learn through practice how to come through more frequently and more loudly.

Classes of Voices—A Class A voice can be heard and understood over a speaker by most people. A Class B voice can be heard over a speaker, but not everyone will agree as to what is said. A Class C voice can only be heard with headphones and is difficult to understand. Class B or C voices may have one or two clearly understood words. Loud does not equal Class A.

Keeping a Log—Maintaining a record of recording results is very helpful. Include the date, time, place on the counter where the message is received, the message itself, and the question asked. Be sure to label the tapes. Experimenters report that they feel weather may affect results. The site has geomagnetic and solar reports. There is also a link for moon phase information.

Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

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Re: EVP Stories from the AA-EVP
« Reply #1 on: Jan 29 2008 - 04:04AM »
 :^(  I gave this a rating of 5 and I would have given it a 10 if we had it. I had to watch each of the videos several times. What a wonderful thing to hear your child again after you think that you never will. I know that if anything ever happened to any of my children I would have to try. It's something I just don't think that I could take. There would be no greater loss. Good story Ghost1.

Oh and one other thing. I suppose if you do it in a responsible way then it doesn't always have to be a frightful thing. The other day on Paranormal State we saw the down side of EVP's but now we see a side that can be wonderful if done responsibly. You might even could compare it to drugs. Used responsibly certain drugs can be an answer to our prayers but using them to hide depression or other anxiety problems and you can become dependant and abusive with them. I'll shut up now...LOL
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Re: EVP Stories from the AA-EVP
« Reply #2 on: Feb 03 2008 - 01:44AM »
Amazing   :^( :^( :^(