Author Topic: In Two Places at Once  (Read 4435 times)

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Offline Ghost1

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In Two Places at Once
« on: Feb 05 2008 - 09:24PM »
Now here is a very interesting one, look how clear that image is in the window..........How can you be in two places at once?  cho

I am a teacher in the Buffalo NY area. A couple of weeks ago my ex-student teacher, Stacy, showed up with this picture and its story. About four years ago she had a bad car accident in her VW Beatle (old one). She loved that car. She fell asleep on the wheel and never knew she had the accident. She later awoke in the hospital with tubes in a bad shape. Recently the young man who bought her totaled car called her to tell her that he fixed the car and would like to show it to her. She agreed and invited him to stop at her family's home. When she saw the car in such excellent shape, she got excited and asked the young man if she could take a picture of him and the car, and he agreed.
She took the picture, but when her mother saw the developed picture, she asked her what she was doing inside her new car (parked in front of the VW). She asked how could she be inside the car if she was taking the picture!
I take fashion photography on the side, and she asked me for an explanation of the image. I examined the image several times with a lupe, the negative, the other negatives in that roll, prior and later pictures for a double exposure and could not find an explanation. I took the picture to the store that develops my pictures for the technicians to examine. They cannot find any explanation, but they asked why was the pavement stained. I asked Stacy the same question and she said that the pavement is not stained. She asked me the color of the stain, and when I said that it was yellow she got scared. Then, she told me that yellow was the color of the car when she had it.

Can you find and explanation for the image? For sure it is not her reflection, because she is not holding the camera, the size of the head is too big for a reflection from faraway, and the curvature of the glass applies to the reflection of the roof, but not to the face. Please, email me back, or if you know of someone who could analyze the picture.
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline Colleen2510

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Re: In Two Places at Once
« Reply #1 on: Feb 05 2008 - 11:56PM »
cho Did anyone else notice how the head looks as though it has a round part cut out of it right at the top right corner of the head..... :*:

After I wrote the next paragraph I began to think that I was scrutinize this story too much. The photo is a marvelous example of something that could be paranormal and that is what counts. I got carried away with questions about the girls story. So if you might be pondering some of the same questions that I am and you are interested in thinking it out then the next paragraph is for you.... LOL Otherwise just enjoy the great photo and ignore the ramblings of someone who has been awake for far too many hours and has way too much caffiene in my system.... LOL

I don't really get why the girl got "scared" because someone thought there might be yellow stains on the concrete which matched the old color of the car. It's definitely a point of reference which needed to be brought up with the telling of the story but I don't think it is anything to be frightened over.  The head is not inside the old VW but it's in the new car. The color problem is about the "old" car. There hasn't yet been any connection established between the 2 cars. Also it doesn't actually look like a stain but possibly a reflection of some kind. Did anyone check the undercarriage of the car to see if any yellow paint was left underneath because not many paint shops would bother to repaint the undercarriage.....especially since there usually isn't anything to paint but that's not always true....sometimes there is but they just wouldn't bother with it on a repaint unless specifically asked to.  If there was old yellow paint underneath the car could it have given off a reflection like this?? I don't know? If there isn't any yellow paint left on the car then is there anything else that could make this reflection type.....since it may not even be that.?? And if there is no answer to any of these questions then what? Has there been any other events that would make you afraid?   Qu            kn

Thanks for sharing this great photo Ghost1!  ;)
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Re: In Two Places at Once
« Reply #2 on: Feb 06 2008 - 09:17PM »
That is an interesting picture

Offline The Shadow

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Re: In Two Places at Once
« Reply #3 on: Feb 23 2008 - 03:23PM »
It would be hard to debunk that. A mirrir wouyld have to be by the guys face and they ponting to one placed in the car
Did I just see what I think I saw? Yeah you did! Now lets put it on

Offline Colleen2510

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Re: In Two Places at Once
« Reply #4 on: Apr 23 2008 - 09:57AM »
Actually even though the guy in the car looks nearly identical..he could have a twin brother. But I'm all about giving credibility to the poster and taking their word for it so in that case....maybe it's like the guy under the kitchen sink and he came back and ended up in his own car years before. If you look really close it looks as though the guy in the car has a little less hair on his head...LOL
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