Author Topic: Ghost child caught on video!!  (Read 171 times)

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Offline Colleen2510

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Ghost child caught on video!!
« on: May 28 2008 - 10:54AM »
This was recorded yesterday on a live web cam we set up at team member Linda M.'s house after she had reported seeing a man and woman full bodied apparitions the night before and continued activity through the morning hours. We were hoping to catch the activity while she was gone. This is freaky cause I thought it was a shadow at the time. There were so many different ones. But upon play back, it wasn't just a shadow at all. I recorded for over an hour with my handycam as 2nd eyes in case I missed something. I'm glad I did it now!! We will have an analysis video to come in the nenxt couple of days. We will be going back over tommorrow with better cams and hopefully, we'll catch her again.!! Don't forget to subscribe!! We did find bones under the house 2 days ago. More to come on the dig ASAP!! Thanks again!! Hey just tried something I think you all should try...Do pause play from 55 seconds on.. The door moves too!! We should have the analysis up by morning. We keep finding new things in this video!! See ya in a couple of hours!! Thanks!!
Ghost addict and Bachelors_Grove patron.
Where were you when the world ended?
I was at