Author Topic: Strange occurances  (Read 12283 times)

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Offline Thalassa

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Strange occurances
« on: May 12 2012 - 05:12AM »
A few months ago (February or March) whenever I stood in my kitchen I kept seeing a dark shape out of my peripheral vision, whenever I turned to look there was no-one there but at times the image was so strong I would jump and turn my head quickly always to find that there was no-one there. The vision was unlikely to have been anyone passing by as the kitchen windows overlook a small courtyard which is set back from the main road and adjoins the landlords property, plus if anyone where to be messing about there I would have heard them approach due to the gravel. I did once think it was the homeless man I have often seen in the area (bobbing up and down as he looks for cigarette butts in the drains) and I was quite prepared to write it off as my mind playing tricks on me considering that steam comes out from a vent just opposite the windows until one evening when my boyfriend and I where sitting in the front room and he looked at me and said, "did you hear someone knock on the door?". I hadn't heard anything and if anyone had come to the door we would have heard the gate open and the gravel crunch. Nonetheless my boyfriend went to the door and opened it - there was no-one there, but I did think of what I had thought I had seen outside and considering what happened next its unsurprising that he was the one that heard it.
The next morning my boyfriend told me that he had dreamt last night that he was talking to his father, (his father was an alcoholic and what is termed as a "diabetic in denial" who died when my boyfriend was 14), and he was telling him in the dream all about what was happening with his Grandmother (she has alzheimers and has to go into a home). This is not the first time that I have sensed his fathers presence (although I never knew him). After we moved in together (about 8 years or so ago) I would smell cigarette smoke in the house from time to time, always a very strong odour that would hover for a few moments and then disapate. Neither of us smoke or are around smokers. Sometimes the neighbour would smoke outside but this was not the same heavy smell which was like someone was in the room with you. This has also happened at our current property where no-one smokes and you would actually have to either be in the house or on the property to make that kind of smell. Interestingly both my boyfriends stepmother and his stepgrandmother have had the same thing in their homes. I have never met them and they have never been here.
Since my boyfriend had opened the door and let it in odd things have begun to happen - a few evenings ago I was sitting downstairs reading, the cat was sitting on my lap when we heard the sound of the cord light in the bathroom being pulled. We both heard it and looked up. I wanted to see what Beau would do and she seemed to be listening to something, her ears pricked up and her head tilted. She got off my lap and went to the bottom of the stairs and began watching something. I stayed where I was - there was no way I was going to look! When my boyfriend came home I went upstairs to investigate but I found nothing out of the ordinary, no lights on or anything. I have also seen somethin white like a pair of legs or something moving quickly although very faint in that area. Recently during the night we where both awakened by something crashing to the ground, in the morning I looked to see what it was but could find nothing that hadn't been on the floor in the first place. This is not the first time (not by any means) that I have lived in a house with ghosts.
« Last Edit: May 12 2012 - 05:16AM by Thalassa »
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Offline Hellboy

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #1 on: May 12 2012 - 09:04AM »
What a interesting story, please keep us up to date on any new occurrences.

Offline Ghost1

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #2 on: May 12 2012 - 10:17PM »
Thanks for sharing your story, it was very cool and creepy..... Please be sure to keep us up to date on this one, also try to have a camera handy if it all possible.   :camera:

Do you have a video camera too by chance, if so definitely set it up and see if you catch anything. 
Always remember.........Just because you have never seen something, does not mean that something does not exist.

Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #3 on: May 14 2012 - 02:35AM »
Sadly the video I have on my computer only runs for a few minutes, however, I am thinking of getting a webcam and leaving it at the bottom of the stairs.
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Offline ashleirose

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #4 on: Jul 11 2012 - 12:46AM »
Nice. I have also read some interesting occurrences such as sightings of spirits and some ghost stories in www.booalert. I just discovered this as I am looking for sites similar like this since I am interested in ghosts and other paranormal activities. I really love this type of sites like this and the one that I have mentioned.  :clap:

Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #5 on: Aug 26 2012 - 11:58AM »
This morning when I got up to feed the cat I noticed that the landing lights where on - this is very strange as I got up in the night last night to use the bathroom and I would have noticed if they where on and my boyfriend would have had no reason to turn them on if he got up in the night (his computer is upstairs incase his work rings and he keeps a bottle by his side of the bed for drink), so he wouldn't have turned them on. What was even stranger was after I had turned them off I noticed that they had turned themselves back on when I came back, I turned them off, muttered "bloody ghosts" and walked off. After that I went back to bed to use my laptop and thats when I smelt the cigarette smoke again....
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Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #6 on: Dec 01 2012 - 05:10PM »
Last night I was woken up by two (what I can only describe as) whooshing sounds and I stumbled out of bed after hearing them and opened the window as the room smelt of a wierd combination of gas, burning and that smell that you get when you turn on a heater in the winter and its had dust accumulating on it for months. I seriously thought that we'd had a gas leak and was convinced that the house was going to explode when my boyfriend got up a few moments later to use the bathroom and he turned on the light. It didn't and I realised that we use electricity. This morning my boyfriend got up earlier than me and went downstairs, I heard him say "What's a brillo pad doing on the stairs?"
He thought it was the cat but I am not so sure - it could have been Beau, but she would have needed to have got the brillo pad down from behind the sink and I have never seen her play with one and she is particular about what she plays with. The last time something like this happened (like with the lights), I had smelt cigarette smoke soon after - this time I had smelt that strange smell beforehand and those sounds on reflection sounded an awful lot like when someone sparks a lighter.
Another strange occurance happened a few nights ago - I heard the sound of horses on cobbles. Our house was originally a stable yard (I can tell which part was which from the layout of the house i.e. kitchen was tack room, front room stables, upstairs hay loft) and I know what horses sound like having been round them for the best part of 32 years (my mother once said "horses have been in your blood for centuries). There was no traffic passing and certainly no horses there and I was wide awake.
« Last Edit: Dec 02 2012 - 12:43PM by Thalassa »
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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #7 on: Jan 24 2013 - 03:07PM »
 :051bye: Nice story.... please keep me, us, updated :)

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 That I desire."

I believe! ~ I've seen! ~ I've played! ~ More please!!

Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #8 on: Jan 26 2013 - 05:54AM »
My boyfriend is going away soon and I have found a way to keep the webcam running on this computer, so I am going to leave it in three places next week:
1. At the bottom of the stairs
2. At the end of the landing looking towards the bedroom
3. At the foot of the bed looking towards the landing
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Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #9 on: Apr 01 2013 - 12:09PM »
I didn't set up my webcams in the end (I will do at some point though), but today I have the sound recorder on my computer running. My boyfriend is asleep on the sofa, and the cat on my knee. I have just heard a thump from upstairs (and there is no-one up there and nothing that could be blown over or anything), I will let you know if I get any audio. Another thing that has happened was on Saturday night - I woke up to see a woman standing by my bedroom door. She had short bobbed dark hair, wore something white with what looked like a grey coat or cloak on. I jumped, went to say something (I have no idea what), and she vanished.
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Offline Thalassa

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Re: Strange occurances
« Reply #10 on: Apr 06 2013 - 03:13AM »
I came home from work yesterday, and my boyfriend (who has had the week off work) said to me, "Can I ask you a strange question?"
I said he could and he said, "have you noticed any strange goings on in this house?"
Well, obviously I had but I didn't want to elaborate, and I said "Yes, I have noticed".
He seemed relived and said that earlier that day he'd been sitting downstairs when he heard a huge crash coming from upstairs, and when he went to investigate he noticed that things had been thrown off the top of the wardrobe in the spare room. I looked myself and could see the empty space on top f the wardrobe and the things on the floor. There is no way it could have been the cat, she can't get up there.
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